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Data Converter 1.0.01

Data Converter 1.0.01

Data Converter Publisher's Description

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Data Converter performs calculations and manipulations on text file data, prior to exporting the results in another format. The files can be text delimited or fixed length records, or they can be in other predefined data formats.

You can insert header and footer text files into the data for customized file, document and web page generation. The data can also be totaled, graphed & emailed automatically allowing for the automation of reports.

It also provides the unique ability to work with multiple data files at the same time, binding these files together 3 dimensionally as if they are spreadsheets lying on top of each other. You can add, subtract, multiply and divide the fields in these multiple files. This is very useful for collating many data sources together, before applying other math or formatting functions to them.


It also saves its calculation and formatting rules separately from the data; allowing you to share these sets of rules with others. You can also run Data Converter from windows scheduler.


Field functions include: move, delete, create and concatenate fields. Insert, delete, reverse, search, replace and select specified characters. Assign values to fields, add, subtract, divide, and multiply fields. Plus round, square root, exponent, power rule, factorial, sin, cos, tan, modulus, log and loge functions are also available.


You can also ignore specific rows and records in the processing, and test fields for specific values so they can be ignored.

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